The extent of brake pads wear can be checked by observing the grooved limit line “a” on the pads. When the wear exceeds the grooved limit line, replace the pads with new ones. Refer to “front brake pad replacement” .
Caution replace the brake pad as a set, otherwise braking performance will be adversely affected. |
Crankcase emission control system
The engine is equipped with a pcv system to prevent discharging crankcase
emissions into the atmosphere. Blow-by
gas in the engine is constantly drawn into the crankcase, which is returned to
the combustion chamber through the
pcv (breather) hose, air cleaner and throttle body.
Fi system troubleshooting
Customer complaint analysis
Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as
described by the customer. For this purpose,
use of such an inspection form such as following will facilitate collecting
information to the point required for proper
analysis and diagnosis.
Side standngnition interlock switch
Check the side stand/ignition
interlock system for proper operation
as follows:
Sit on the motorcycle in the
normal riding position, with the
side stand up.
Shift into first gear, hold the
clutch in, and start the engine.
While continuing to hold the
clutch in ...