Toyota RAV4 manuals

Suzuki GSX-R 1000 Service Manual: DTC “c41” (p2505): ecm power input signal malfunction

Detected condition and possible cause

Detected condition

Possible cause


No voltage is applied to the ecm.
  • Lead wire/coupler connection of ecm terminal to fuel fuse.
  • Fuel fuse.

Wiring diagram

Suzuki GSX-R. Wiring diagram



when using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ecm coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent terminal damage.



after repairing the trouble, clear the dtc using sds tool. Refer to “use of sds diagnosis reset procedures” .







  1. Turn the ignition switch off.
  2.  Remove the front seat. Refer to “exterior parts removal and installation” in section 9d .
  3.  Check the ecm coupler for loose or poor contacts. If ok, then measure the ecm input voltage.

  1. Disconnect the ecm coupler. Refer to “ecm removal and installation” in section 1c .
  2.  Insert the needle pointed probe to ecm coupler.
  3.  Measure the voltage between terminal “10” and ground.

Special tool
(a): 09900–25008 (multi circuit tester set) (b): 09900–25009 (needle-point probe set)

Tester knob indication voltage ( )

Ecm input voltage battery voltage ((+) terminal: “10” – (–) terminal: ground)

Ecm couplers (harness side)

Is the voltage ok?

  • Fuel pump relay circuit malfunction.

    Refer to “dtc “c41” (p0230-h/l): fp relay circuit malfunction” .

  •  R/bl wire open or short or poor “10” connection.
  •  Power source of speedometer shorted to the grand or open.
  •  If wire and connection are ok, intermittent trouble or faulty ecm.
  •  Recheck each terminal and wire harness for open circuit and poor connection.
  •  Replace the ecm with a known good one, and inspect it again. Refer to “ecm removal and installation” in section 1c .
Open or short circuit in the r/bl wire.
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