Toyota RAV4 manuals

Suzuki GSX-R 1000 Service Manual: Fi system troubleshooting

Customer complaint analysis

Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such an inspection form such as following will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper analysis and diagnosis.


this form is a standard sample. The form should be modified according to conditions and characteristic of each market.

Example: customer problem inspection form

Suzuki GSX-R. Example: customer problem inspection form

Suzuki GSX-R. Example: customer problem inspection form

Visual inspection

Prior to diagnosis using the mode select switch or sds, perform the following visual inspections. The reason for visual inspection is that mechanical failures (such as oil leakage) cannot be displayed on the screen with the use of mode select switch or sds.

Fail-safe function table
Fi system is provided with fail-safe function to allow the engine to start and the motorcycle to run in a minimum performance necessary even under malfunction condition. The engine can sta ...

Malfunction code and defective condition table
* : Immobilizer system equipped model only. ...

Other materials:

Exhaust control valve inspection
Inspect exhaust control valve initially at 1 000 km (600 miles, 2 months) and every 12 000 km (7 500 miles, 24 months) thereafter Inspect exhaust control valve as follows:  remove the left side cowling. Refer to “exterior parts removal and installation” in section 9d .  Check t ...

Transmission removal
Remove the engine assembly from the frame. Refer to “engine assembly removal” in section 1d .  Remove the engine top side. Refer to “engine top side disassembly” in section 1d .  Separate the upper and lower crankcases. Refer to “engine bottom side disassembly” in section 1 ...

Special situations require special care
Of course, there are some times when full-force braking is not the correct technique. When the road surface is wet, loose, or rough, you should brake with care. When you're leaned over in a corner, avoid braking. Straighten up before braking. Better yet, slow down before entering the corner. ...

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