Steering stem bearing removal and installation
Remove the steering stem upper bearing and steering stem lower bracket.
Refer to “steering / steering damper removal and installation” .
Remove the steering stem lower bearing inner race
using a chisel.
Remove the steering stem upper and lower bearing
races using ...
Charging system symptom diagnosis
Possible cause
Correction / reference item
Generator does not
Open- or short-circuited lead wires, or
loose lead connections.
Repair, replace or connect properly.
Short-circuited, grounded or open
generator coil.
Tire condition and type
Tire condition and tire type affect
motorcycle performance. Cuts or
cracks in the tires can lead to tire
failure and loss of motorcycle
control. Worn tires are susceptible
to puncture failures and subsequent
loss of motorcycle control.
Tire wear also affects the tire profile,
changing moto ...